Secret Promo Cheat Sheet Brings
In Hundreds of Sales And Up
To $24,4232 In One Day
With Free Traffic and Autopilot Delivery
Plus, by acting right now, you’ll get your own premium copy suitable for framing…the same exact cheat sheet that has helped me make millions in sales
Marlon here.
I have been called the “King of Promos.”
And the secret lies in a simple cheat sheet I use when I whip out promos that generate 100, 1,000 or 20,000 in sales and multiples of that in dollars.
So strap in because in the next 3 ½ minutes, I’m going to reveal EXACTLY how to swipe my secret cheat, so you can join the incredibly exciting and lucrative world of becoming a Promo King or Queen yourself, even if you don’t have your own product or hate being on camera.
The Magic Behind My Power
Promos Cheat Sheet
I’m known for Promos that bring in pretty crazy amounts of money.
And, many more.
OK, I get it.
You want proof.
These are RAW, unaltered screen caps direct from the bank statement:
Lest you think I cherry picked, I have years and years of those.
Of course, I’ve also had much smaller but worthwhile promotions. As you can see on the screen caps, I have modest days also.
And my income varies year-to-year. Which is to say that year after year, I’ve banked real money and often big money using my simple promotions guided by my Power Promotions Cheat Sheet.
Obviously, my results aren’t typical of average results. But they are MY results. You could do more or less. You get out what you put in.
The thing is, when you’re doing Promo after Promo, you notice that some knock it out of the park.
And others either flop or, more likely, just kinda peter along with mediocre results.
So I looked at the COMMONALITIES of hit Promos.
I wanted to REMEMBER these things. So I created this Power Promos Cheat Sheet and taped it to the side of my computer where I’d remember to look at it everytime I did a Promo.
On one sheet I have every critical piece of information I want to make sure I include in every single Power Promo.
Omitting just ONE factor can be quite costly. You do NOT want to rely on your memory!
Tape this bad boy / bad girl to the side of your computer or the wall where you’ll always be reminded.
I’ve Used The Power Promo Cheat Sheet On Digital Products, E-courses, Membership sites, mid-tickets, Masterclasses, Invisible Funnels, Affiliate Promos – and much more
You’d be hard pressed to find something you can promote that you can’t use the cheat sheet on.
And the crazy thing is, even Power Promos I created in the distant past, STILL makes sales and spendable cash on virtually total AUTO PILOT.
In fact, this morning I made $55 from one I made 6 or 7 years ago. That’s not unusual. I didn’t have to lift a finger. Everything was 100% automated.
I don’t even know which Power Promo brought in the sale.
Is It Simple To Use The Power
Promos Cheat Sheet?
I’ve given away the Power Promos Cheat Sheet before but that’s of minimum value.
Because the POWER comes from understanding what’s ON the cheat sheet and knowing how to USE IT in your Power Promos.
That’s why I’ve created step-by-step, over-the-shoulder videos training.
Power Promos Cheat Sheet and Video Training
I’ve created 6 modules that break not only explain my cheat sheet but blow-by-blow show real promotions, real sales, and real results.
I take you behind-the-curtains and reveal my magic promotions to you.
Awesome Fast Action Bonuses
And for those who act fast, you're also getting:
For a combine total value of well over:
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